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Who We Are

Outside-the-box thinking has been the hallmark of Avatar’s effective and efficient publication automation projects for over 20 years. We are a small but powerful team of creative thinkers and developers who delight in turning what seems impossible into working solutions that give our clients some mighty big wins. We like to say, “If you think there should be an easier way — there probably is.” Avatar will find it for you.

Meet Our Team

Coletta Perry

Senior Solutions Designer

Coletta has been a puzzle solver and avid mystery novel fan since childhood. That mindset has served her well when tackling some of the most challenging puzzles our clients bring to Avatar. Her command of logic, data modeling, scripting languages, InDesign, and EasyCatalog, makes the solutions she designs for the team to implement seem like magic.

Nikki Fehrmann

Project Manager/
Solutions Developer

Nikki heads up our biggest projects and makes sure we’re all on task and on-time. Not an easy job for our widely disbursed virtual team. Nikki’s inquisitive mind, has seen her stretching ever further: data structure and EasyCatalog development. Now beginning to collaborate with Coletta on solutions design, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to see what’s on her horizon at Avatar!

Jeremy Howard

Solutions Developer

Jeremy is always pushing the envelope — looking for newer, better ways to automate projects. He has a passion for automation, scripting, and streamlining processes. Jeremy is our resident wizard of ExtendScript and all things LUA, regex, grep, and beyond. Our clients love how knowledgeable and patient he is while he helps to troubleshoot the peskiest of problems

Cara Grossman

Quality Assurance/
Production Specialist

Cara has been a production artist in some of the largest agencies in Canada. She has worked demanding weekly production teams servicing top  She was instrumental in developing the specifications and for testing both our custom and commercial AdDesktop software. Her ability to spot errors that no one else sees is uncanny and her quality assurance testing is unparalleled.

Noel Fehrmann

Business Manager/
eLearning Administrator

Noel is our friendly business manager who handles project quotes, invoices, and payments. She's always got her eye on the balance sheet and project pipeline. It’s her keen eye for detail that keeps us on track and is the foundational to ensuring Avatar is here to serve our clients now and in the future. Noel also oversees the EasyCatalog eLearning platform and as well as software fulfillment.

David Phelan

Consulting IT Director

David has incredible breadth and depth of experience in all matters IT. He has the background and the answers we need, no matter the challenge presented by a new project.

Andy Meyer

Data Solutions Developer

Andy specialty is creating solutions that make data stand on its head. We think of him as the Macgyver of data. Andy is always on call when we have a project that needs major data transformation. He seems to materialize the most amazing solutions out of thin air.

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